Pacific Hills Half Marathon Race Recap

We woke up at 6am and got on the road at 6:45am for the nearby 7:30start at the Paramount Ranch in Agoura Hills.

I got photo bombed big time….

This is the Paramount set that a lot of western movies and TV shows have been shot at, like Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman. 

Unfortunately, the race started 25 minutes late because so many runners were late getting to the start.  (All the Chesebro runners, like me, probably contributed to the chaotic-ness)

We finally started and I wanted to keep it nice and easy because I wasn’t sure how my shin would act; it turned out completely fine: no shin pain at all.  Praise the Lord on that one.

The first mile was a 7:41 and the hills started right away.  I didn’t check out the course beforehand and was surprised by all the hills.

There was a massive hill at mile 3 that was about .9 mile long and steep.  killer.

For the third race in a row, I ran without music because my ipod is so jank right now.  I think it’s a goner since the screen has grey water spots in it.

But I was able to talk to a few fellow runners including a guy who’s doing the Boston/Big Sur marathons. jealous.

The course was really pretty but pretty hilly.  My legs could definitely feel it; they were tired but not sore.

I took a GU at mile 6.5 hoping for some sort of pick-me-up.  I don’t know if it really helped, but I kept going and didn’t die.  It started sprinkling for a mile or two in the middle of the race, but didn’t full-on rain.  No more LA Marathon repeats.

We passed a couple little wineries that looked like old timey Western buildings.  Kinda cute.

I also pulled off in the bushes at mile 7 to water them.  I had to go something fierce.

I don’t know any more of my mile splits since I didn’t look at my garmin, but I think I ran positive splits: I felt like I finished the race pretty weak and didn’t really surge at the end at all.

Is this WASPy or what?!  A giant Nantucket-looking house with a tennis court.  I’d take it, fo sho.

After an 8 mile loop, we took a right and headed towards the finish.  I was pretty tired by the halfway mark.  And the miles seemed to just stretch on and on and take forever.

I took another gel at mile 10 (I usually only take 1 gel during a half)because I was just tired.  I also grabbed a water at every aid station which was every couple miles.

The second half of the race really dragged on, but we finally made it to Old Agoura and closer to the finish.

The last half mile was on a muddy trail.  fun.

Near the finish we met up with the 10k runners and I sprinted with whatever energy I had left to finish in 1:39:54, 3rd in my age group.

After the race I met up with Jim, who ran a 5k and set a PR.  He ran 7:18 average miles while being injured!  pretty amazing.

Reese also ran a great race: she ran an amazing 8 miles before her lungs basically collapsed on her.  (She has super, super bad asthma)Even with barely being able to breath, she ran one of her better times!

I have so much respect for people who run through ailments like asthma or what have you.  That’s a really hard thing to do.

We hit up the post-race expo and got tons of free goodies and samples; the Agoura Great Races are really known for the after party which is super kid and family friendly.

And now, after post-race mimosas of course, we are headed up to Mammoth!

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