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Treadmill Running vs Road Running – The Difference Is?

Many of my clients have come to me and complained of joint issues and injuries suffered from running on the sidewalk or road. The problem with running on a road is that it tends to put a lot of excess strain on your joints. I use to do a lot of running outside on the road and found that it was extremely hard on my feet. I actually had a cracked bone in my foot from doing sprints on concrete.

Since then I have gotten a lot smarter and do all of my running and sprinting routines on a treadmill. Treadmills truly are amazing for your joints compared to road running. Most treadmills offer a low impact running surface so that you can limit the wear and tear on ankles, feet, knees, and lower back.

The comparison to running on a treadmill vs road running is pretty drastic. Not only does a treadmill offer a ton of fitness options that will enhance your workout- but they were scientifically designed and engineered to be much easier on your body and joints. Since I started my routine on a treadmill my ankles, feet, and knees feel much better and most of my “road injuries” have healed. One of my personal training clients actually developed some pretty nasty knee tendonitis from his routine of 2 miles running outside on the road. He had to go through over a year of physical therapy and rehab to get his joints and knees back into tip top shape.

I have been training him for the last 3 months and he has not had any problems with his knees or any other joints. He can’t believe what a difference the treadmill makes. I have heard the same remarks from most treadmill users. The problem is that most people don’t realize how bad road running is on your joints until it is too late! My advice to everyone is to maintain your running routine on a low impact treadmill and you will have much healthier joints in the future.

While some people are made with “tougher” joints and can sustain the wear and tear that the road presents, it is better to be safe than sorry! If you are a frequent runner it is best to take your routine to your local gym or buy a treadmill for home use.

Almost all of my clients that I train will never speed walk or run on a road again after feeling the difference it has made on their joints. I like to think of running on a treadmill as a luxury car experience, while road running is more of an off road bike experience! Once you feel the comfort and luxury of a treadmill run you will never want to go back!

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